Creating space for you to heal

There is a need for us to take time for ourselves within all the complexities of the modern world. I invite you to make the time, I will hold the space

How my journey has grown my vision

Sacred Fire Massage Therapy and Healing retreat was born out of my vision to create a safe supportive space to receive massage therapy with a specific focus on supporting women. Although I treat everyone regardless of gender, gender orientation or age, my vision evolved as I saw a need based on my experience as a woman traversing the chapters of my own life.  Out of these experiences, I noted gaps in care and support for women of all ages. Particularly the times of transition such as adolescence, motherhood and menopause. For myself, now as I slowly cross that bridge between childbearing years and menopause I have had much lived experience which has taught me empathy and compassion for the particularities that I have been through. Amidst this, the strong need for post-partum support as well as support for those going through the tumultuous waves of perimenopause. These days, women are wearing a lot of hats and it is easy to become forget to replenish oneself. Traditionally, woman were  "the keepers of the hearth". Out of this idea, I have come to the vision of Sacred Fire.

Sacred Fire

The keepers of the flame

The name Sacred Fire is born out of what I know about my own Celtic ancestry. In ancient Ireland, there was a triple Goddess named Brigid who was the goddess of Fire,Inspiration and Poetry. Brigid was well known as a force of healing in ancient Ireland and many wells were associated with her. As many triple aspect godesses, she wore the face of the Mother, the Maiden and the Crone. When Ireland was later Christianized, the deity of Brigid was made into a saint. Her abbey in Kildare Ireland was unique in that there is a sacred flame which is tended by the nuns and not allowed to go out.  The ancient Celts also tended a sacred fire in there culture, that was not allowed to go out.  To me, it feels appropriate to connect back to that vision of the sacred fire. To allow oneself to be supported and nurtured through all the aspects of our journey. It is in this spirit with my training and experience as a Registered Massage Therapist that I am glad to hold space.

Welcome to Sacred Fire Massage Therapy!

Please feel free to reach out with any questions!

Feel free to reach out any way that feels best. You have three options: 1. Use the convenient online booking page to schedule an appointment, 2. Visit the contact page for more information, or 3. Fill out the contact form below and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Here to help!